Recording project: If Love was a Train

If Love was a Train

Most blues uses a 12-bar format: this is a little different in that it’s based on a 16-bar verse structure.

The recording process

I recorded a simple rhythm track using a drum loop, bass and rhythm guitar. Angie Lacey used Soundtrap to create the vocal track which I then added to the rhythm track. Lastly, I added a lead guitar track for the short instrumental sections and to complement the vocal lines during the verses.

When collaborating via email and sharing audio files, it’s easy to end up with a rather mechanical sounding result. My aim in recording and mixing this  was to achieve something like a live sound, as if it was performed in a live jam session. That may not be what you want for a perfect pop song, but it seems to suit the character of the blues!

To achieve a live sound, the lead guitar track was largely improvised and recorded in a single take.  Once I had all the tracks together, there was a small amount of tinkering to get the mix how I wanted it. But I kept the editing to a minimum to try to preserve the live sound, imperfections and all.

Angie and I were both pleased with the result. My favourite feedback was from an experienced music producer, who said the result was “full of soul and attitude”. Very gratifying!

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